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Gathering the malfunction solid waste to be decomposed and to bring them in as raw material for the production process with various recycling systems.
  Adding the consumed material to the recycling system again will decrease the need for raw material. The proper functioning of the system the natural resources destruction to be given to environment.

5 Basic Steps of the Recycling System: 

1.Resolving from the Resource: Saving the recyclable waste without mixing it with trash and seperating it from its resource.

2.Saving the Recyclable Waste Without Seperation:
This process helps eligible waste to be collected in a clear way without being mixed with trash.

This process helps the collected material material to be classified in glass, metal, plastic and paper.

It is the process of recycling the clean seperated material back to the economy. In this process the material is altered physically or chemically and it is recycled back to the economy as a new material.

5.Bringing the New Material in the Economy:
Presenting the recycled product into usage again.



Why is Recycling Important?

  1.Our Natural Resources are Saved :
Our natural resources derease everyday due to overpopulation and the changing consumption habits for the reason we have to use our natural resources in an efficent way so as to decrease the consumption of materials and to recycle the eligible waste. Recycling is the reason why we must preserve our natural resources and use them efficiently.

For instance, we can help decrease the cutting down of trees in forests by recycling paper. In a similar way we can save on petrol by recycling plastic.

2.Energy Saving is Provided : Energy could be saved up on the condition to decrease the number of industrial process on the production of recyclable products.

3.Waste Amount Decreases :
Decreasing the amount of waste by recycling will help lessen the energy used on storage and moving of the material. Though the decrease for domestic waste is not much, it is high volumetrically.

  4.Recycling is an Investment in the Future and the Economy :
Recycling is a productive enterprise on a long term basis. Due to the decrease of raw material and using up the natural resources will lead to economical problems and at this point recycling will have a positive effect. It will provide new job opportunities and help the future genetarions benefit from the natural resources.

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